June Reopening News!

The COA will begin reopening in June! We plan to take full advantage of the summer weather to hold onsite activities primarily outside. All exercise classes will continue to be held in the field at the Princeton Center School. We will also begin to resume some onsite classes, but because we’ve been encouraged not to ask if participants and visitors have been vaccinated, we would like to keep as many classes as possible outside during the good weather to keep the risk of contracting the virus low. In addition to the small brick patio in the back and our “under the pines” area, we will use some of the parking spaces behind the COA for classes and meetings. We have a large canopy we can set up and we recommend you bring a comfy camp chair and your sunscreen. You may also park in the back of the building rather than out front and walking around. If needed, classes will be able to meet in the largest room. Since we will not be able to determine if participants will be vaccinated, we are encouraging those who have not been vaccinated to wear a mask and asking those who have gotten the Faucie Ouchie to continue to wear one indoors as well. Visitors and participants will be REQUIRED to sign-in and complete a health attestation each visit. As always, if there are changes in directives from the CDC, the MA Governor’s Office, the MA DPH, or our local health authorities, our policies and protocols will change too. Please understand out Number One priority is to keep you safe!

Many of our regular activities will be back onsite, as opposed to online, but weekly onsite meals will remain suspended for now. Please check the newsletter and calendar for more information about your favorite classes and activities.

We’re unlocking the doors and can’t wait to WELCOME you back and greet you IN PERSON!