Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 39, §16, which states that the Committee “shall consider any or all municipal questions for the purpose of making reports or recommendations to the town;” and then is further governed by Chapter III of the Town of Princeton's General By-Laws.

Committee Guiding Principles

The Committee Guiding Principles outline the fundamental principles and priorities that guide the committee's evaluation of proposed budgets and financial matters for the town.

  1. Evaluate Proposed Budgets and Financial Impact: The committee is tasked with assessing proposed budgets and items with financial implications for the town.
    Priorities include:
    1. Addressing challenges that are difficult for individuals or small groups to tackle independently.
    2. Prioritizing based on the severity and urgency of issues, with a focus on those with the potential for severe consequences, including injury or death, and immediate impact.
    3. Concentrating on initiatives that benefit the widest audience.
    4. Utilizing benchmarks to understand the town's financial situation in comparison to others and learning from similar municipalities.
  2. Optimize Financial Resources: The committee aims to ensure that the town can provide essential services while optimizing the use of financial resources.
  3. Maintain Neutrality: The committee commits to remaining neutral in its evaluation of financial expenditures, emphasizing an impartial and objective approach.
  4. Consider Short and Long-Term Impacts: The committee acknowledges the importance of considering both short-term and long-term impacts when evaluating municipal questions and the town budget.
  5. Present Recommendations Clearly to Voters and Taxpayers: The committee commits to presenting and explaining its recommendations to the town's voters and taxpayers in a clear and concise manner, fostering transparency and understanding.

Budget & Planning

Committee Members


Peter Giumette


June 2025

John Zimmatore


June 2027

Jennifer Greene


June 2026

Joshua Tanenbaum


June 2025

Forrest Finkler


June 2025



June 2024



June 2026