Princeton Historical Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 16, 2021

  Princeton Historical Commission
September 16, 2021

Attendees: Matthew Lindberg - chair, Carl Soderberg - vice chair, Larry Todd - clerk,  Tom Kokernak

The meeting opened at 7:06 pm.

The meeting minutes for 8/19/21 were approved as written.

Meeting House Cemetery: Larry saw TaMara working in the cemetery last week; Matt will call her for an update.

Joyce mentioned the old subject of replacing the tomb doors but the cost was high so no work was done. Carl noted there needs to be a solid base so the open tomb can be bricked up. Matt will talk with Lynne.

Public Safety Building Committee: Carl reported a number of people visited Farmington, NH to review their public safety building. The facility was constructed at a relatively modest cost and Carl gave a lot of details; some related to materials and there is also a significant difference in the labor cost and contract requirements between MA and NH. The focus of the committee is now to find a way to move the project forward. It seems the next annual town meeting is a realistic timeframe to present a proposal to the voters. Carl said there was nothing in their discussions at this time of concern to our commission.

Four Corners: Neil Sulmasy has paperwork related to the effort made to save the land at four corners (Gates, Thompson, and Old Colony roads) from development. He will pass this on to our commission.

Civil War Plaques: Larry gave an update. The town will create a formal contract for the work and send us a copy for review before it is finalized.

Town Pound Sign: Tom offered to work with Carl to get the sign up and will check with Joyce’s husband to coordinate.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 pm.

The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday, October 21 at 7pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry Todd, clerk