Historical Commission

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 28, 2020

Princeton Historical Commission


    Minutes for December 28, 2020

Attendees: Matthew Lindberg - chair, Carl Soderberg - vice-chair

Larry Todd - clerk, Jane Morrisson, Joyce Anderson, alternate

The meeting was held online and opened by Matt at 7:01pm.

A Motion was made and approved unanimously to accept the meeting minutes from 11/19/20.

Joyce and Larry attended a selectboard meeting on 12/1.   The policy regarding the town common was discussed. Joyce read us some of the language proposed by Karen Cruise. Matt had a copy and sent it to all members. We will review it, make suggestions and circulate them to all members of our commission.

Joyce mentioned that someone has approached the selectboard and would like to put a memorial brick walkway on the common. This kind of request will come up again; the town common policy should be clear and guide the response to such requests. (There are other public areas in town, such as Krashes field, where memorial benches and the like can possibly be located.)

There was brief discussion regarding the civil war plaques. Matt will ask Karen Cruise if the funding to replace the plaques will be included in the 5 year plan. Matt asked about grant writing but no one on the commission has the experience to pursue this. The damaged plaques are in storage at the highway department.

Proposed Worcester road national historic district:

Joyce said she has composed a letter to the new owners of the two properties but wanted to review it with Matt. There was discussion of the cost to have the application done and would the property owners pay at least part of it. Joyce and Matt will work on the letter and get it sent to the owners.

There was discussion regarding our current funds and Joyce said she had ordered house plaques for 3 properties. (It was not clear how the money was handled and if the vendor was paid.)

Matt discussed the “paper” street in East Princeton that runs between Main street and Gleason road. The name he found for it is Temple Stuart Mill road and Matt thought it would be a good way to access the old chair mill site(s). Parks and Rec are looking for a grant for the playground area and perhaps we could include access to the paper street and also the small triangle of DCR land on Main street. Matt thought the town abandoned the street and was unsure if it is still town property.

There was a question about the current proposals regarding a new public safety building and whether it would be on the site of the center school. We will look for the previous statement from our commission regarding the school building being saved, or partially saved, if possible.

Carl raised a question regarding the demolition of part of the house on the corner of route 62  and Goodnow road. Should there have been a demolition permit issued ? The historical commission signs off on all such permits and we never saw one. Matt will ask the building department about this.

Jeff Yaglou joined the meeting and said he had a number of questions but agreed to email them to Matt.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 2021.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Larry Todd, clerk