
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2024

Town Hall Annex and Virtual Via GoToMeeting

Attending: Karen Cruise (KC), Robert Cumming (RC), Phil Gott (PG), Town Administrator Sherry Patch (SP)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM

Public Hearing- Pole Petition #30866724-Mountain Road

On Petition (#30866724) of National Grid and Verizon New England, Inc., a Public Hearing was held for placement of a jointly owned pole on Mountain Road. KC read the Public Hearing notice.

KC opened the hearing. Javier Morales representing National Grid gave an overview of the project. The purpose of the project is to install feeder monitors. Sean McKeon, representing the Princeton Light Department stated that he is not against the installation of monitors. Sean indicated that the stated pole numbers are incorrect.. However, Chapter 166 gives Princeton Light the authority to provide the power and allows only PMLD poles on PMLD turf. Javier stated that the pole is not to provide another service just for monitoring equipment. Sean stated that where the pole as proposed is on Princeton property. PMLD would like more information. They do not have enough information. Sean stated that they would like to meet with someone from National Grid at the proposed site to discuss the project. KC moved to close the hearing. RC 2nd. Voted 2-0-1 PG abstained.

Conservation Restriction 175 Brook Station Road

Conveyance of property for conservation purposes at 175 Brook Station Road. Attorney John Flick representing the property owners gave an overview of the project for Back Lot Development under the Town’s Zoning bylaws. The Planning Board granted a Special Permit on June 23, 2023. KC concerned that the restriction would create a hassle for the town. Attorney Flick advised that his client has met all the conditions of the Special Permit and the Zoning Bylaws. KC stated that she is not ready to vote today. RC stated he would like more time to review. This matter was taken under advisement. No action was taken.

Approval of Minutes

KC moved to approve the minutes of 02/07/2024. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Approval of Treasury Report -Warrant #17

KC moved Treasury Report #17 as follows: Payroll: $140,055.49

Accounts Payable: $192,764.15

Light Department: $ 74,456.85

Total: $407,276.85

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Public Comment



KC moved to appoint Michael LaRoche to the Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Committee. Term to 6/30/2026. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

KC moved to appoint Aponte & Aponte Municipal Finance Consulting Services as Interim Town Accountant Effective March 1, 2024- June 30, 2024. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Review and Approve Special Town Meeting Warrant

KC move to approve the Special Town Meeting Warrant as written.

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Discuss/Approve Police Staffing and Recruitment Town News

KC discussed posting a PDF of the draft PowerPoint slide presentation to clarify police staffing and recruitment. PG noted that he commented on two of the slides that need revision. It was agreed that the posting of the presentation and any Town News should be by sent out by Chief Patriarca once it is revised.

Update on FY 25 Budget

Wachusett Regional Emergency Dispatch assessment is up 17.5%. SP will contact Holden regarding the assessment calculation, which does not reflect the Intermunicipal Agreement formula. The Financial Team (FMT) met with Chief Bennett today to review the Fire and EMS budget. The fire budget is level funded. However, the EMS budget reflects a 27% increase in funding. The Chief is looking for 24/7 staffing coverage at the paramedic rate. The FMT has requested data to support the increase. Discussed recruitment and retainage of EMT’s and Paramedics. Peter Giumette stated that it is in the town’s best interest to have comparable pay scales.

Annual Town Report Cover Photo Contest

SP will send out a Town News announcement including submission deadline.

2023 Outstanding Citizen Nominations

SP will draft a Town News announcement. The deadline for submitting nominations is April 15th. The winner will be announced at the Annual Town Meeting.

Correspondence and Communications

Email to Chief Bennett: FEMA- No Federal Designation for September 11th flood damages. State funding granted amount is pending. SP noted that the state did not receive a federal designation. However, we were notified by the Governor’s office that the Town will receive a portion of the state funds. No amount has been released yet. The Town has spent approximately $203K on the flood. PG commented on the email from Ed Cichon regarding his request for an engineer (PE) to re do the Tighe & Bond study in the fall. PG stated that a PE does not necessarily have the special education for ground water that a Licensed Site Professional has. PG indicated that the cost benefit ratio for what Ed has requested, a full parallel effort to do the Phase 3 work, does not seem justified. PG noted that he also responded to Deb Trantolo regarding Selectboard meeting time and the board’s various commitments.

Update/Adjust ARPA Allocations

KC moved to adjust the previously allocated ARPA Projects as follows:

Speed Plateaus

Allocated Spent Balance

$7,000 $3,545.50 $3,454.50

Multi-Purpose Trailer

Allocated Spent Balance

$8,500 $8,162.49 $337.51

Truck Lift

Allocated Spent Balance

$13,000 $12,940.53 $59.47

Plow Blades & Road Sensors

Allocated Spent/Grant Balance

$40,000 $19,786 $20,214

Total: $24,065.48

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Worcester Road Pedestrian Improvements Project

KC moved to award the contract for the Worcester Road Pedestrian Improvements Project to A.F. Amorello & Sons, Inc and to authorize the Town Administrator to execute the contract documents. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Weatherization Project

PG is reviewing the quotes that were received. No action was taken.

Grant Opportunities and Status of Existing Grants

RFQ Grant Writer Response -Jim Mazik Response attached. No availability at this time.

Town Administrator Report

SP reported that the server for cameras at the Public Safety Building crashed. SP advised that the cameras cover the booking room, evidence room and exterior of the building. SP asked the board to consider an ARPA allocation for the replacement. SP advised that we have received one quote and is working getting a couple more. KC moved to approve up to $10,000 from ARPA for replacement of the Police Department server. PG 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Selectboard Report

RC noted that the Solar Committee has not been able to find the landfill closure certification documents. SP will follow up with Huntly Associates on the request for any records they have regarding the closure.


KC moved to adjourn the meeting. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

The meeting adjourned at 4:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Sherry Patch

Town Administrator