
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2023

Town Hall Annex & Virtual Via GoToMeeting

Attending: Karen Cruise (KC), Robert Cumming (RC), Phil Gott (PG), Lynne Grettum, Corey Burnham Howard

Call to Order

Call to Order at 3:00 PM.

Lynn Grettum-Cemetery Commission, Chair- Cemetery Software Proposal

Lynn discussed the new program Docufree that the commission wants to purchase/upgrade to. It is a database will allow for easier access to look up information such as lots, burial information and it is secure cloud based for up to 2 users. It will provide access to tables, creating auto populate deed form to match existing Cemetery Deed, easy edit web page, backup command, and generating reports.

KC moved to authorize the purchase of docufree. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Corey Burnham Howard-EAC Commission, Chair- Westminster Landfill Odor Complaints

Corey discussed that the odor coming from the Westminster landfill has intensified for the last several weeks and is becoming more extreme. This can be for many reasons such as weather, barometric pressure, etc. They are looking to expand the landfills gas well containment. They are also bringing in more misters during the day to help keep the smell down. Corey said there is an odor complaint hotline residents can call and should within 1 hour of smelling it. You should give the time, location, 1-5 rating (5 being the strongest) of the smell and what is smells like.

Secondly residents can email the Westminster Board of Health. And lastly email all three Fitchburg, Westminster, and Princeton’s Board of Health’s. Princeton’s BOH will discuss at their next meeting to get this information on the Town’s website for residents to reference. Corey will create a Town News/Nextdoor as well to get information out for residents once the Board of Health has updated their website.

Approval of Minutes

KC move to approve the minutes of 9/20/2023 as amended. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Approval of Treasury Report Warrant #7

KC moved to approve treasury warrant #7 as follows:

Payroll: $ 146,751.92

Accounts Payable: 1,588,772.89

Light Department: 168,277.40

Total: $ 1,903,802.21

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Public Comment



KC moved to appoint Thomas Connors to the Highway Department as a truck driver/laborer.

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

KC moved to appoint the following to the Solar Farm Committee.

Richard Chase- Term ending 6/30/2026

John Mirick- Term ending 6/30/2026

Corey Burnham Howard- Term ending 6/30/2026

Bruce Dean- Term ending 6/30/2025

Helga Lyons- Term ending 6/30/2025

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0

KC moved to appoint the following.

Lar Greene as the BOH Liaison-Nonvoting- Term ending 6/30/2024

Gerald Pellegrini as the EAC Liaison-Nonvoting- Term ending 6/30/2024

RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

KC moved to appoint Jamie Greenland to the Parks and Recreation Committee with a term ending 6/30/2026. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.



New Business

Schedule Trick-or-Treating

The board discussed removing trick-or-treating from Saturday or Sunday and continuing to have it on actual Halloween night. It was switched a few years ago when some parents thought it would work better. Parks and Rec did a survey recently and 65% of the survey respondents wanted trick-or-treating left on Halloween. KC moved to remove the Princeton Halloween policy that designated trick-or-treating on a Saturday or Sunday and to keep it on Halloween. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Schedule Holiday Party

The board discussed changing the name to Employee & Volunteer appreciation party the board decided to change it to that name. A few dates were discussed to have it at the Barn in Princeton. KC moved to schedule the Employee & Volunteer appreciation party on 11/15/2023. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Discussion on GoTo Meeting Recordings

Discussed if there should be policy on meeting recordings and if they should be kept a year or longer. The board felt that if the meeting was important (such as PFAS) they should keep them longer than a year and download them to the server. KC will draft a recording policy.

Discontinuance of Maintenance of a portion of Thompson Road

There is 4,000 ft. of the road the Town maintains and are looking into possibly discontinuing the maintenance on it. There is a fire pond and cell tower there. KC wants Sherry to set up a meeting with Ben-Highway Superintendent, Sean-PMLD GM, Paul-Police Chief, John-Fire Chief, Sherry- Town Administrator and KC to discuss the matter.


The board acknowledged receipt of a letter/email from Corey Burnham Howard about the EAC action report on planning of what they are doing this year. Also, a letter from John Stimpson about the Odor complaint from Westminster Landfill. The board also received a letter from Terry Hart to not close Thompson Road. No action was taken on this request.

KC drafted an Selectboard update Town News which will be sent out.

Old Business

Review Draft Flag Policy. Princeton can do 3 flags on the flagpole. Discussion of Commemorative flags and how long to fly them possibly 1 to 30 days. The board will make their edits and send back to Sherry.

Discussion regarding Police, Fire, and EMS Metrics

The board discussed that metrics should be measurable and have a need and if we truly need them. Especially for contract negotiations. Such as number of traffic stops, number of warnings/tickets and possibly comparing the difference from the prior year. And seeing if we can tell if speeding has gone down. Also, shift coverage and if we are using more part timers then full timers. PG suggested that possibly looking into a digital time management program for employees to compare information instead of paper/excel manual hours reporting, so we have more accuracy detail of possible staffing that is needed. KC will follow-up with Sherry.

Mechanics Hall Next Steps

Red Cardinal asked for more time to see if they can do something. The board discussed getting the RFP back out there and possibly changing some things that is expected from the buyer. Possibly adding a timeline of when work would need to happen, such as having a one-year cutoff for plans, arrangement of finances and initial work to begin. The board will look at the RFP and edit it and come back and revisit.

Bid Awards

KC moved to award the FY24 line painting bid to Atlantic Pavement Marking Inc. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Grant Opportunities and Status of Existing Grants

The Town received a grant from the DEP-The Sustainable Materials Recovery Program Grant of $1,470.00.

The DCR Salt Reduction Grant application is due 10/31/23. We are applying for 50% reimbursement of plow blades and road sensors.

Town Administrator Reports

Sherry reported the FY24 capital reports requests forms were distributed to department heads and are due on 11/3/2023.

She is also finishing up interviews for the TA assistant and AP admin assistant open positions. Sherry will have recommendations for appointments at the 10/18/2023 SB meeting.

She is also meeting on Friday 10/6/23 with Jim and Melissa to continue succession planning for Jim’s retirement in December.

The initial damage assessment IDA report for the flood on 9/11/23 has been submitted to MEMA and no word yet on funding.

Selectboard Reports

RC wanted to know about setting up an executive session for Police negotiations because the hearing was pushed last week. He will check with Sherry.

The budget was discussed and if the FMT had been worked on. RC will get started.

Donation of a drone will be discussed later.

PG and KC went to the Touch a Truck and thought it worked well at Krashes field.


There is a Community Information Session- PFAS update- tomorrow 10/5/23 at 6:30 pm. It will be a hybrid meeting.


KC moved to adjourn. RC 2nd. Voted 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm


Respectfully submitted,

Kolette Carleton