Open Space Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Princeton Open Space Committee Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Present: Rick Gardner, Laura Reynolds, Annie Charrette, Deb Cary, Susan Downing, Karen Rossow

Absent: none

The meeting began at 7:04 p.m.

Minutes of the April meeting unanimously approved.

VOTE: Expenditure of $136.40 for kiosk reimbursement to Joseph DiFranza unanimously approved.

Thomas Prince Nature Trails: The responsibility for the trails is shared, but there are 3 boardwalks, one of which is in poor condition. As they’re on town property, Annie will take on this project, including discussions with the school administration and the Conservation Commission, who will be involved in the permitting process for replacement boardwalks. Deb will assist Annie. This will involve some substantial financial cost (by our humble standards) but we feel there is enough in some free cash account the town can utilize. A grant may also be a possibility.

Hikes with Kids idea: Annie will work out another date to lead a kid hike at Four Corners. Karen will assist her.

Earth Month Clean-Up will have a modest celebration on the town common from 6:00 p.m. to approximately 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 to conclude the year’s effort and thank the participants.

Red Fox Farm trails: The mini maps are going up within a week or so. Dogs must be leashed but welcome. There is no designated parking available. Hikers are welcome to park across the street from the trail kiosk, on the corner of Route 31 and Ball Hill Road. Deb notes that it’s safer to walk up from the DCR area on the same side of Route 31 as the Red Fox Farm trails and will check with DCR on how amenable they are to people parking there.

Poutwater Pond boardwalk is not ideal during the wet season; it’s normally supported by the bog flora but right now there’s too much water, nonetheless a Princeton Hike will take place there in May, with appropriate footwear.

Deb and Susan are collecting feedback from the Historical Society about Goodnow Park in order to name the trails and then create a map of them. Parks & Rec is aware of our plans and we welcome them to participate as they are able while we proceed with our goals for Goodnow Park.

Parcel Analysis: From approximately 7:20 until 8:30, Laura made edits to the spreadsheet while we discussed people’s priority lists. She included a column for “number of votes” we each gave to the various parcels. When looking at the properties, Susan’s attention was focused on adjacency, wildlife corridors, size and trail links. Promisingly, several parcels were on several people’s lists. Laura will refresh the list and send it to GoogleDocs so all members may continue comments in the “conservation considerations” column. This work will be continued at the next meeting and several subsequent ones.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the large room of the Annex.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Tasks: Annie, with Deb’s help, will work on replacement of the three boardwalks on the TPS trails, with one being a higher priority than the other two; Deb will contact DCR about parking on their land to access RFF trailhead; Annie will lead a Kids’ Hike with Karen’s help; Deb and Susan continue on Goodnow Park history; Laura will send the updated parcel list to Googledocs for everyone to take another swipe at.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Rossow