Road Advisory Committee

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE     Meeting Minutes, Dec. 9, 2020 5:30 PM


Present: Chair William Holder; Members Kevin Toohey, Terry Thompson, Ann Neuburg; and Matt Granger; Highway Superintendent Ben Metcalf, Town Administrator Sherry Patch


Guests: Jon Fudeman (Advisory Committee), Greg Russell (VHB engineering), resident Lucy Parker


5:32 PM Call to order (GoToMeeting)


Administrative:         Unanimous vote to approve minutes as revised for the meeting of 12/2/2020.


Coal Kiln Road Project


General discussion of dividing project into 2 phases: subterranean (culverts and drainage) and road surface (paving).


Engineer Russell gave an update re: Conservation Commission (ConComm) review.  A field walk with commission members resulted in changes to plans. Updated plans and modified NOI will be presented at ConComm hearing next week.


Plans will include items to be installed on Forslund Road as part of the project. The specs will be written so contractor provides shop drawings. The Forslund portion of the project will not impact any wetlands or water resources. It is a modification of an existing system.


Coal Kiln Road IS in a buffer zone, and requires ConComm review, but does not have a major impact on wetlands. Engineer Russell expects the major issues to be erosion control and the increase of impervious surfaces.  Mass DOT requires shop drawings to verify the system flows correctly.


Motion: To break the Coal Kiln/Forslund Road project into 2 distinct phases: subterranean (culverts and drainage) and road surface (paving). Vote: unanimous aye.


General discussion of the 2 smaller culverts under Coal Kiln (Governor’s Brook), specifically water management.


Review DYOB218317-1.pdf. ConComm will want the Babcock Brook culvert smaller to avoid raising the flood plain. A smaller culvert will have less environmental impact than a full-sized bridge that meets MA crossing standards. ConComm has final say about culvert size, as Mass DEP has declined to comment.


Substantial completion date: 8/31/2021 with extension possible.


Next steps:      1/15/2020 - ConComm review generates Order of Conditions

                        Amend bid package per Order of Conditions

                        1/6/2021 – advertise in Central Register

                        2/1/2021 – open bids


One day of pavement testing will help identify areas of concern prior to the paving phase.





Leominster Road


Highway Superintendent and Town Administrator will share summary of bids received.


Route 140


Going to bid soon.




General discussion re: working with ConComm. Town Admin. Sherry Patch recommends working more closely with Marie Auger who can assist Superintendent Metcalf.




Adjourn at 6:39


Respectfully Submitted:   Ann Neuburg