Planning Board minutes July 18, 2019

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Town of Princeton, Mass.     --     Town Hall Annex

PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes--– July 18, 2019,  7:30 PM

Present were:  Chair John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Ann Neuburg and Rud Mason. Ian Catlow was absent.

7:30 PM  Opened meeting in Town Hall Annex

Erik Garcia and Carol Schrader were in for consideration of their Special Permit received from the ZBA on July 10, to construct an attached greenhouse at 52 Hubbardston Road.

The board reviewed the decision from the ZBA approved on July 10 after a public hearing. They noted that site plan regulations were addressed according to Section XII in the Princeton Zoning bylaws. Site plan review was required because the property is located within the town center but also in the Rural Preservation Overlay District at its easternmost end. There was some discussion about a row of shrubbery to be planted along the frontage as protection from the roadway, with suggestions about the best-suited varieties.

Board voted all in favor to approve a site plan for the project as it was incorporated within the ZBA decision that was approved on July 10.

Bob and Marcia Thorell at 112 Mirick Road were in with a concept for a three or four lot subdivision incorporating their house and the 20-acre parcel it sits on.  The property has 237’ of frontage on Mirick Road.  The concept is to build a road to the south of their 18th century house to give access to the backland and frontage for two or three new building lots.  The frontage for the existing house would change from Mirick Road to the proposed new road.  They would demolish the small barn which would be too close to the proposed new road.  By Bob’s rough measurements, the SW corner of the existing house would be more than 50’ from (travel-way) edge of the proposed new road, but probably only 47’-48’ from edge of the 50’ right of way for the proposed new road.  The proposed new road curves away from the existing house so the rest of the existing house is more than 50’ from the edge of the right of way.  Waivers would be needed as part of subdivision approval.  The PB discussed the concept with the Thorells and felt that waivers would be possible.  Bob will develop the concept further and come back to the PB

8:25 PM  John M. distributed a list of issues around non-conforming uses and dimensions. Current zoning requires a special permit from ZBA for any construction/change on a non-conforming lot even if the change conforms to current zoning. The board discussed the advantages of the special permit requirement, i.e. receiving abutters’ comments and a chance for PB to weigh in.

Regarding short-term rentals, John also compiled a list of issues to consider. The new state law started July 1 requiring registry of short-term rentals, considered as hotel-type lodging, for any property rented for timeframes of under 31 days. It also requires a room/excise tax (like the hotel tax) for any property rented more than 14 days per year. The group noted that the new law mainly impacts tourist destinations such as the Cape, providing an extra source of tax revenue, but any potential gain for Princeton was probably minimal.

8:55 PM   The board voted all in favor to approve minutes for the meeting of June 20 with a corrected date.  There will be only one meeting next month on Aug. 15.

9 PM   Meeting adjourned

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:     Erik Garcia and Carol Schrader Special Permit decision from ZBA; concept plans for 112 Mirick Road for a three or four lot subdivision. List of issues around non-conforming uses and dimensions; short-term rentals.