Planning Board meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Town of Princeton, Mass.    PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes

--– March 17, 2021      7:30 PM

            --     Remote Participation hosted by Marie Auger on

Present were:  Chair John Mirick, Tom Sullivan  Ian Catlow, Ann Neuburg and alternates Corey Burnham-Howard and Lisa Drexhage. Rud Mason was absent. Also present were Deb Cary, Michael Watkins and Adrienne & Bryan Patrone.

7:35 PM  The chairman opened the meeting

Michael W. was present with a Site Plan Review because he is starting a project to expand Monti’s Market at 194 Worcester Road by moving new operations into the adjacent Building #4. He explained that the seasonal, ice cream take-out window currently in the market building will be closed and the operation moved to Bldg. 4. Photos and sketches had been distributed to the board. He proposes picnic tables, outdoor seating, string lights and installation of a fence to separate the seating area from the Hunt & Gather shop. There is adequate parking and egress from Worcester Road, as traffic is not expected to increase much beyond current levels. Other issues such as lighting and traffic flow were addressed in previous site plans.

John M. suggested that a trash receptacle be included, near the window, with daily monitoring/emptying. Corey B. asked about marking the parking areas and walkway path from the window to the seating area. Michael W. noted that signage will be added which conforms to zoning regulations.

8:05 PM  The board voted all in favor to approve the Site Plan as presented, with the addition of trash bins and marking on the ground to identify the walkway, and to authorize the chair to sign the plan on behalf of the board.

Board members then reviewed the three proposed articles for the May 15 ATM. They voted all in favor to submit the amendment to Sect. VI 1. (B) to allow an exemption from dimensional zoning for municipal use on a lot of minimum two acres—making a change from five acres. They then voted all in favor to submit the amendment to Sect. VII 2. to clarify certain requirements including the issuance of building permits for pre-existing, non-conforming lots or uses. Text was also amended in Sect. VII 2. (E) from “six months” to “12 months.”

The proposed amendment to Sect. VII 1. would add a sentence to prohibit more than one principal use on a lot. There was discussion about this, as some have noted that this may inhibit business/commercial growth or development. The Patrones voiced their interest and concern in this issue, as their immediate neighbor on Wheeler Road is the one who discovered the lack of such a prohibition in the zoning bylaw. He currently has his landscape business on his house lot and is grandfathered for the right to this dual use if this amendment passes. The board voted all in favor to submit the amendment to add this sentence to Sect. VII 1.

John M. pointed out that the articles will now go to the town administrator who formats the warrant, and to the Advisory Committee which makes recommendations on warrant articles, and to town counsel to be vetted. Articles may also be changed in minor ways, by voters, on the ATM floor, before they’re passed.

Ann N. shared the results of the Housing Survey which collected, so far, 574 responses—a 45 percent return. She presented several pages of statistical graphs and a summary of comments, which may be used for planning with the CMRPC or potential developers. It will be posted on the town website.

John M. noted that the 2007 Master Plan needs updating, as the preferred cycle of updates is ten years. The Open Space & Recreation portion was recently completed and submitted to the state, as it’s crucial for any recreational or land-oriented grant programs.

8:18 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of March 3, 2021.

8:25 PM. Adjourned

Respectfully submitted:   Marie Auger, land use coordinator

Referenced Documents:     Application with illustrations for site plan review from Monti’s Market; warrant articles of proposed Zoning Amendments for 2021 ATM; 2021 Housing Survey Report