Planning Board meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Town of Princeton, Mass.-- PLANNING BOARD meeting  w/ remote participation

Public Hearing & Meeting Minutes  --– January 6, 2021      7:30 PM

Present online were:  Planning Board members John Mirick, chair; Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason, Ann Neuburg; Ian Catlow and alternate members Corey Burnham-Howard and Lisa Drexhage. No one was absent.

7:35 PM  Chair John M. opened the meeting and Tom S. motioned to postpone the meeting and discussion of zoning amendments, which was the only agenda item. Rud seconded and the group considered cancelling the meeting as it was difficult to focus on zoning in Princeton when the Capitol in Washington was currently under siege.

Board voted all in favor to postpone the night’s agenda to another date.

Board considered approving minutes of the Dec. 16 Planning Board meeting and noted an incorrect date. They also discussed future dates for the next meeting.

7:40 PM  Group voted to approve the minutes of December 16, 2020 as amended.

7:45 PM  Adjourned. The next PB meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2020.

Respectfully submitted:   Marie Auger, land use coordinator