Planning Board meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Town of Princeton, Mass.-- PLANNING BOARD meeting  w/ remote participation

Meeting Minutes  --– December 16, 2020      7:30 PM

Present online were:  Planning Board members John Mirick, chair; Tom Sullivan, Ann Neuburg; Ian Catlow and alternate members Corey Burnham-Howard and Lisa Drexhage. Rud Mason was absent. Also attending were Bill Lawton, Bob Peura and several representatives from Red Cardinal LLC, the firm proposing the cannabis retail shop at Mechanics Hall.

7:35 PM  Chair John Mirick opened the meeting and considered an ANR plan from Bob Peura. He has a tree farm property and house at 80 Calamint Hill Road South. He is purchasing land from his abutter which encircles his house lot to increase the lot from over two acres to over six acres. He previously submitted $100 fee payment and Form A with the Mylar and three paper copies to the Planning Office in Town Hall.

Board voted all in favor to endorse the plan and authorize the chair to sign the plan on their behalf.

Group addressed a site plan from Red Cardinal for the re-purpose of Mechanics Hall. Atty. Todd Rodman introduced Tony Capachietti of Hayes Engineering and project manager Jeff Roblyer, along with community liaison Stan Rosenberg. With the site plan brought up on the screen, board member asked about parking spaces, well and septic, lighting, fire truck access, screening along the neighboring house lot line and security.

All questions were answered, and the security precautions, which are state-mandated, were outlined in great detail. John M. noted that infrastructure issues were covered by other entities such as the Board of Health and Fire Dept. Jeff stressed that the plan as shown was conceptual and plans won’t be engineered or finalized until after the Purchase & Sale Agreement and the state’s Provisional License was issued, which could take months. As a Special Permit is required from the ZBA because of the dimensional non-conforming structure and lot, the site plan from the Planning Board could be integrated or paired with the Special Permit at a joint public hearing when the applicant is ready.

Ann N. reported that the affordable housing survey would be inserted into the town census mailing going out after the first of the year and John M. suggested she solicit for help from board members stuffing envelopes if needed.

8:30 PM  Group voted to approve the minutes of December 2, 2020 as amended.

8:35 PM  Adjourned. The next PB meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2020.

Respectfully submitted:   Marie Auger, land use coordinator