Parks and Recreation

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 7:30pm

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Princeton Parks and Rec Meeting
February 17, 2021 2 7:30 pm


1) P & R director update (Ed)

2) Approve minutes from 1/25/2021 (all)

3) Gibbs Little League field requests (Ed and Patrick)

4) Update on grants (Kelton)

5) Spring Soccer/ Mountain Club field requests (Kelton)

6) Sub-committee reports

a. Fundraising (Travis and Scott))

b. End of COVID event (Scoot and Travis)

c. Needs assessment (Terry)

d. Fields/contracts (Kari)

e. Community Center Programing (Jen)

f. TAP/OSC (Kelton)

7) New Business

8) Adjourn