IT Strategic Planning Committee

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Princeton IT Strategic Planning Committee
August 25, 2021

Meeting Minutes


Peter Cummings, John Zimmatore, Sherry Horeanopoulos, Pat McGowan, Nathan Bodreau, Michael Cote, Sherry Patch

  1. Meeting convened 5:01 pm
  2. Prior minutes approved
  3. Michael Cote is the new liaison from the Advisory committee
  4. Proposal from King Information Systems – overview from Nate
    1. Objectives for the project – overall increases in use of technology
      1. Town meeting, clickers, poll pad, etc
    2. King did 3 day review of Bagg Hall only, could expand later. Upstairs storage.
    3. First phase is to organize and categorize the current physical documents, provide containers and shelving
    4. Need to review requirements vs retention policies, then consider offsite/disaster protection
    5. $28K proposal
    6. Limitations on current storage capabilities
    7. What to start with, historical or current stuff
  5. Goals/Concerns/Coments
    1. Full digitization
    2. Online Database access
    3. Documents with historical significance that need perpetual protection. Currently in the fault, climate controlled.
    4. Include the digitized documents in the overall town backup solution
    5. Use Database solution that provides general support for town needs
    6. Committee will review the proposal and reconvene at a future time. Do some research on other communities.
  6. Video storage
    1. Town meetings, Selectboard, environmental speakers, Advisory, Safety Building
    2. On one-drive, restricted to 1 TB per user
    3. Research options for video storage/streaming (Michael, Pat)
  7. VOIP phone installation starts Monday

Next Meeting 5:00pm

September 15th   

Meeting Adjourned at 5:58 pm