IT Strategic Planning Comm

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 12, 2020

2020-11-12 – Princeton IT Strategic Planning Committee – Meeting Minutes

John Zimmatore, Peter Cummings, Pat McGowan, Sherry Horeanopoulos, Rick McCowan


Meeting convened 5:03 pm


Approved prior minutes


Committee Charter

Brief discussion on the committee charter, specifically around ad hoc requests and IT related items that are not clearly part of the normal infrastructure. John took an action to look at the current description and make a proposal to update it if needed.


VOIP phone system proposals

The committee will review the submitted bids and if desired provide recommendations to Sherry P. and the BoS. John to check with Sherry on her expectations.

Sherry H. noted that Fitchburg State has used TPX for their installation and have been quite satisfied.


Multimedia system proposal

There was a discussion on the proposal for a media system for broadcasting town board and committee meetings. John had recently attended a call where this was presented and discussed. It was noted that the grant that was applied for in order to fund part of this expense was not granted. John will also check with Sherry P. if anything further is to be done on this topic.


Email account for the committee

It was decided that having a common email address for the IT committee would be valuable as a point of contact and a means to consolidate and retain any communications related to committee business. Peter will create one. This may be of interest to other committees once we stablish a model for using it.


Onedrive configuration

Peter will look into modifying the configuration to allow members more permissions to manage the repository. It may require creating accounts.


Three-year strategic plan discussion

We reviewed the draft submission Pat made for the Current State section which outlined the nature of the committee, the part time IT position, and the use of the Rutter report. It also details the accomplishments over the past two+ years on improvements to the IT infrastructure for the Town Hall.

The Desired State section should clarify the meaning of the defined tiers. More detail is required for this section.

Peter has been working on the asset inventory and this will be folded into or referenced from  the strategic plan.


Princeton Email Service

Phil Migdoll needs to hand over operation of the service he has managed for a number of years. This is for the email domain “” which many residents use since it was created when the wireless network was installed. Pat will follow up with Karen Cruise to gauge the town’s interest in maintaining this going forward.



John - revision to the charter

John - check with Sherry on the VOIP and Media system proposals

Peter - create committee email

Peter - modify the Onedrive permissions

Pat - check on town interest in the email service


Next meeting Thursday December 3rd at 5pm

Meeting adjourned 6:00pm