Volunteers needed for town boards and committees

The life blood of a community is its citizens’ engagement and that is especially true for the operation and guidance of Princeton's municipal operations. Each year, in June, the Selectboard solicits volunteers to participate as members of a number of its advisory, regulatory, and functional committees. Princeton is lucky to have active and generous residents that readily give their precious time to make a contribution to the running of their Town. We are hoping that this tradition of volunteerism continues.

We still have openings on multiple Boards and Committees. To see the list of openings and the volunteer application, visit http://www.town.princeton.ma.us/home/pages/vacancies. Most boards and committees have a description of what they do on their page. You can reach out to the committee chair or Sherry Patch (townadministrator@town.princeton.ma.us) to learn more about the role you are considering.