Reminder - Advisory Committee Hearing for the Draft ATM Warrant Articles is Tonight, 7PM

Submitted by Wayne Adams, Advisory Committee Chairman, on behalf of the Advisory Committee

The Town of Princeton Advisory Committee Hearing will be held tonight Tuesday, April 27th, starting at 7:00PM.  The purpose and  focus of the hearing is town awareness and Q&A for the FY2022 Annual Town Meeting  (ATM) Warrant Articles that includes the operating budget and special articles for:  buildings, repairs, replacement vehicles, bylaws amendments, and zoning bylaw amendments.  The format of the meeting will include several speakers to speak to portions of the Warrant.  Many of the  ATM Warrant Articles and how residents do vote in favor (or not) directly correlates to everyone’s  future property taxes.  The ATM is scheduled for May 15th, 10AM, at Thomas Prince School. If there are any questions, please email .

Relevant Weblinks:

To join the Advisory Committee Hearing remotely,

To read the draft FY22 ATM  Warrant Articles:

To read the Selectboard Report on the Town’s Financial Outlook