Princeton Selectboard Recognizes Pride Month

Pride Flag

June 1, 2021

Nearly 52 years ago, the Stonewall Inn uprising of June, 1969 marked a monumental step in the battle for equality of the LGBTQ+ community, and is considered by many to be among the foremost events leading to the gay liberation movement in the United States. The month of June has been recognized nationally as Gay Pride Month, wherein Americans celebrate the dignity of our LGBTQ+ citizens, and exult the brave efforts of pioneers who have dedicated their lives to ensure social equality among people of all sexual orientations.

Since our Town’s diversity  is a distinct strength of our community, the SelectBoard has voted unanimously to fly the Rainbow Flag during the month of June, 2021. We hope that this gesture expresses our respect and gratitude for the participation of the LGBTQ+ residents in our community.


Karen Cruise, Chair
Richard Bisk
Matthew Moncreaff
Chase Davenport, Student Representative