MESSAGE FROM THE PLANNING BOARD: Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article


The Annual Town Meeting Warrant includes an Article that proposes a zoning by-law amendment to add a new Solar Energy Systems Zoning By-law. Recognizing state-mandated greenhouse gas emission limits and the encouraged use of solar energy to meet those goals, the Planning Board is proposing this by-law to balance those goals while minimizing any potential negative impacts of solar energy systems on neighboring properties, the rural character of the town, and on water quality, forests, and wildlife habitats.

Generally, under the by-law, small-scale residential solar energy systems mounted parallel to walls or roofs of buildings would continue to require only a building permit. Planning Board site plan review would be required for such systems that are ground-mounted, allowing for reasonable conditions to address concerns of neighbors. 

Large-scale commercial solar energy systems would be allowed as-of-right in Business-Industrial districts, and would require a special permit if constructed in any other district, and, wherever located, would be subject to site plan review, as well as setback and screening requirements. A ground-mounted large-scale solar energy system would require a minimum area of five acres and could occupy no more than twenty-five acres on any one site, and must meet enhanced setbacks, screening, and other requirements.

For more information, please see the Planning Board’s Information on the Proposed Solar Energy Systems Zoning By-Law.