Member Needed for Trustees of Trust Funds

There is a vacancy on The Trustees of Trust Funds that was not filled during the election. The Selectboard and the Trustees will be meeting on January 10th to fill the position.

The three Trustees are responsible for managing the Trust Funds of the Town in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws. They oversee about thirty-one Trusts having a combined principal value of approximately $55,000. As part of their fiduciary duty, the Trustees are charged with executing a prudent investment policy and distributing funds in accordance with the terms of each individual trust document. The Trusts provide funds for those in financial distress, the purchase of books for the E. A. Goodnow Library, and expenses for the Annual Labor Day Tennis tournament.

In 2010, the Princeton Community Trust was established by the voters of the Town. This Trust, which is meant to be funded by donations and gifts, is to be used to aid residents of Princeton who are in need of financial assistance.

The Trustees meet once a month, about 8 times per year.  Meetings last about one hour. 

If you are interested in filling this vacancy until the next Town Election, please fill out and submit the volunteer application.