Massachusetts Drought Alert - July 2022


Submitted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)

Due to four months of below normal rainfall, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Bethany Card declared a Level 2 – Significant Drought in the Connecticut River Valley, Central, Northeast and Southeast Regions of the Commonwealth, and a Level 1 – Mild Drought in the Western and Islands Regions. The Cape Cod Region remains in Level 0 – Normal condition.

To enhance awareness on the current drought conditions, EEA is asking local, state and regional partners and stakeholder groups to assist in disseminating this critical information to residents, businesses, and farms in their respective communities. Attached is a one page “Drought Alert” that provides information on the current drought conditions and how communities across the Commonwealth can do their part on water conservation and drought preparedness. 

For more information on the current drought conditions, and for technical guidance regarding drought management actions, please visit and for water conservation information, go to