Letter to Residents re: Organizational Changes

Dear Residents,

In this letter, we want to tell you about several organizational changes.

Matthew Moncreaff has joined the Selectboard. He lives on Sterling Road with his wife Tiffany and their three young children. He is the owner of Moncreaff's Martial Arts, Yoga and Fitness in Acton.  Karen Cruise was elected by the Selectboard to be Chair for the upcoming year.

We have hired Mr. Richard White to be our Interim Town Administrator. Rick comes to us with many years of experience from towns as small as Sandisfield, where he was the Interim for 4 months, and as large as Dennis, where he was the Town Administrator for 8 years and Lexington where he was Town Manager for 17 years.  We look forward to working with Rick as we search for a new Town Administrator and we believe he will help us greatly in managing this transition. Please say hello if you are in Town Hall.

Ginger Toll is our new Town Clerk replacing Lynne Grettum who recently retired. Lynne is a tough act to follow, but we are confident that Ginger is up to the task.  Many of you already know her from her work at the Goodnow Memorial Library. Susan Priest has been hired to replace Ginger in the Building Department and as Assistant Town Clerk.  She brings many years of administrative experience to her new job. You might still see Lynne at Town Hall since she is helping out while Ginger trains Susan.

This summer we are going to try regular meeting times during the day on Tuesdays.  Some residents have requested daytime meetings; particular our senior citizens and those who work evenings.  During the past year, we have been meeting at 6 PM on Wednesdays. Often the only person in attendance has been the Landmark reporter.   However, our choice of meeting times is primarily based on the work and life schedules of the three of us.   We plan to move back to the evening in the fall, unless we discover that daytimes are popular. 

You can always contact us by phone or email.  If you use selectmen@town.princeton.ma.us , we will each receive your emails.  You can write to us individually using biskselect@gmail.comcrukaren99@gmail.com , or matthew.moncreaff@gmail.com  . Our phone numbers are in the Princeton Directory.

Princeton relies on volunteers to help run the town. Each June, we appoint committee members to fill expiring terms.  We also appoint members as vacancies occur. Please check http://www.town.princeton.ma.us/Pages/PrincetonMA_BComm/bcapp to see which seats are available or will soon be available.   We need you. Please consider volunteering.   


The Princeton Selectboard

Karen Cruise, Chair

Richard Bisk

Matthew Moncreaff