Legislative Office Hours - Happening Now

State Senator Anne M. Gobi and State Representative Kimberly N. Ferguson are holding office hours in Princeton, at Town Hall, TODAY Tuesday April 19 from 1PM-2PM. Local government officials and members of the public are invited to join Gobi's District Director, Lucas McDiarmid, and Ferguson's District Direct, Elizabeth Kazinskas. Princeton legislative office hours will happen monthly on the third Tuesday of each month.

If you are unable to attend contact information for the legislative offices is listed below:

Office of State Representative Kimberly Feguson

State Representative Kimberly Ferguson
(617) 722-2100

Elizabeth J. Kazinskas
District Director
Office of State Representative Kimberly N. Ferguson
Office: 617-722-2100 x5
District: 978-870-9885

Office of State Senator Anne Gobi

State Senator Anne Gobi
413-A(617) 722-1540

Lucas G.F. McDiarmid
Communications and Intergovernmental Affairs Director | Office of Senator Anne M. Gobi
Boston: 617-722-1540
District: 413-324-3082