July 2022 Municipal Update E-Newsletter - Available Now


Please click here to view the latest edition of the Town of Princeton Municipal Update E-Newsletter. This bi-monthly publication highlights recent and upcoming municipal and community events and ongoings in Princeton. New this edition is a column entitled "Positively Princeton - A Spotlight on What's Good in Town," which aims to highlight the life and accomplishments of the community. We hope that learning about members of your community, what they do, and their experiences may inspire more residents to get involved. The first piece is on Town Moderator Harry Pape, who is in his 34th year in the role. 

If you have an idea for a future edition of the Municipal Update (Event, Spotlight, Story), please send suggestions to Town Clerk Nathan Boudreau at townclerk@town.princeton.ma.us or by calling 978-464-2103 

Thank you!