Get Ready for the Earth Month Town-wide Cleanup

A Note From the Open Space Committee

April is coming, and that means it’s nearly time for Princeton’s third annual town-wide Earth Month cleanup. Organized by the Open Space and Environmental Action Committees in honor of Earth Day (April 22), the Earth Month cleanup will begin April 1, or as soon as most of the snow has melted, whichever comes first.

The cleanup effort has three components: Roadsides in town; parks and playgrounds; and trails.

For roadsides, residents choose a section or sections of roads to clean up, and sign up to do the cleanup work by the end of April, on their own schedules. Residents who would like to sign up for a section of road should email and indicate which sections of which roads they’d like to clean. Interested residents can also call or email one of the organizers listed below. Residents are asked to dispose of trash individually, and to email the organizers when they’ve completed the work. Organizers would like to hear from everyone who is cleaning up the roads so that everyone can be acknowledged.

For parks and playgrounds, Earth Month organizers will be asking specific groups in town to help out. Any resident or group with a particular interest in cleaning up parks or playgrounds, however, should feel free to contact one of the organizers.

Trail clearing and cleanup will be done by a variety of volunteers. Please email the organizers if you are particularly interested in trail work.

The health and safety of all volunteers is a priority. Note that all cleanup is voluntary and done at participants’ own risk, and it’s important to be careful on any roadway. Please visit the Earth Month page to review safety procedures, view the cleanup map, and read about the entire Earth Month project.

To make the project even more fun, prizes will be given for:

Photos: Most Fun, Most Disgusting, and Most Inspiring

Trash Discoveries: Most Interesting, Most Disgusting

Contact the organizers:

Rick Gardner:

Claire Golding:

Corey Burnham-Howard:

Karen Rossow:

Laurie Kraemer:

Rick Rys:

Main email address for group: 
