The Assessors are required by the Department of Revenue to make certain that the information they use to value your property for taxation purposes is accurate.  They accomplish this task through a cyclical inspection program, which allows them to verify and update existing data and to help ensure uniform valuations of all the properties within a mass appraisal program. 

In addition to our Assessors Helen Townsend, Tim Hammond and Laurie Kraemer conducting field work, they have also contracted with Bishop & Associates to conduct property inspections as well. They will be conducting these inspections June, July & August, 2023. 

Typically, it takes about 15 minutes to measure the outside of a residential building, and about 10 minutes to inspect the interior.  Your cooperation in allowing them to do their work on your property will be greatly appreciated, as otherwise, an estimation would be the only recourse.  It can not be overly stressed, that should they be unable to view the interior of your property, they will have to estimate what is inside. 

They will present an Identification badge, but if you have additional concerns, you may contact the Princeton Police Department (978-464-2928) for verification of their identity and purpose.