2 Town Buzz sessions this week

Wednesday 12/14 1pm at Princeton Senior and Community Center: Managing traffic in town
Many residents are concerned about traffic. People are speeding. Roads are being used as cut-throughs. Bikers, walkers, runners are nervous. What can we do? What are residents hoping for?
Thursday 12/15 6:30pm virtual: Discussion with Selectboard
The Selectboard will be available to hear your thoughts and answer your questions (if possible). Check the town calendar for the gotomeeting link.
Town Buzz is an opportunity for residents to get together and have an informal (but friendly) discussion on a topic of local interest. For now, sessions during the evening will be virtual but sessions during the day will be in person at the Senior and Community Center at PO Place. The daytime Buzzes will be on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 1-2:30 or so.
Future sessions:
12/28/22 1pm: 2022 in review What were the big issues in Town in 2022? What do you think went well and what didn't? What are you hoping for in 2023?
1/11/23 1pm: Fire/EMS: What is happening? What did we learn from the assessment done by MRI?
1/25/23 1pm: Meet the new Police Chief! What did we learn from the assessment done by MRI?
2/8/23 1pm: Property taxes - managing on a fixed income Many are worried that property taxes are going up too quickly. Some can absorb the increases. Some can't. What should we as a town be doing?
Notes from facilitator Karen Cruise:
If you have ideas about other topics, please let me know (crukaren99@gmail.com or 978-852-2709). I'm sure the financial management team will be holding budget discussions like last year. At some point, we might talk about commercial solar in town. We might want to also hear from the PMLD Commissioners about what they are up to. Note about my role: Town Buzz is something that I started before I became a Selectboard member. I try to act as a facilitator. I am not speaking for the Selectboard though I might mention things that the Selectboard has already discussed or decided in public session. I am happy to let someone else take the lead on a Town Buzz session if they are interested. My only goal is to have residents talking with and listening to each other respectfully.