Conservation Commission

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 19, 2023



DATE: September 19, 2023 TIME: 7:00 PM LOCATION: Town Hall Annex

Note: this public meeting and public hearing were conducted in person at the Annex, with a remote teleconferencing option available for public participation. Public participation details were posted with the agenda.

Members in attendance: Brian Keevan, Jennifer Vuona, Bonnie Hirsh, Holly Palmgren

Members in attendance remotely: none

Applicants and others in attendance: Robert Matewsky from Purposeful Realty, Rob Despres from Despres Inc

Applicants and others in attendance remotely: none

Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor unless” noted otherwise.

Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.

Item 1: Approval of minutes: Minutes from the August 15, 2023 meeting were approved at 7:10PM.

Item 2: Vote on Chair: Took out of order, handled Items 3, 4 and 5 first. Discussion started at 7:52pm on this item. Brian stepped down as chair and nominated Holly as new chair, approved by vote at 7:55pm.

Item 3: Continued Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent (DEP File #267-****) filed by the Town of Princeton Highway Department for general repair and maintenance of town roads, culverts, and drainage infrastructure. No responses to DEP comments have been received and no file number issued. Brian Keevan gave an update, he reached out to DPW and Larry Greene. They have been working with DEP and Larry is working on getting the additional information that DEP has asked for and will hopefully submit soon to both the Commission and DEP. Voted to continue to October 17, 2023, at 7:11pm.

Item 4: Request for Certificate of Compliance Rob Matewsky for DEP File #267-0436 (328 Mountain Rd) Opened discussion at 7:12. Site visit with Bonnie and Brian held the morning of September 19th. Construction is completed and it was noted that the site held up very well after the heavy rains received last week. Paving scheduled for October 12th, expected closing on property this week. Terraces were stabilized with geotextiles and stone. Site was well stabilized. Brian noted that there was a lot of invasive mugwort along the area where the mulch was placed. Site was well stabilized. Erosion controls can be removed. Reviewed OOC and conditions have been met, no plantings were done. There is a condition in perpetuity, Special Condition #10, the condition was noted and that information has been passed on to the buyers. Voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance noting Special Condition #10 from the original OOC at 7:29pm.

Item 5: Ratification of Emergency Certifications issued to Princeton DPW for road repairs following storm of 9/11/2023 Discussion started at 7:30pm. DPW requested 2 emergency certifications after the severe rain storm on Monday September 11th which dumped about 6.5 inches of rain in town causing roadway damage. One is for Mirick Rd adjacent to cemetery, second is Houghton Rd near #90. Work on these have already been completed. Brian visited both locations with DPW and discussed the work. Voted to approve the Emergency Certifications as signed and issued by Brian to the DPW at 7:51pm.

Other Business/Procedures:

● Commissioner updates on current open projects: Bonnie was representative to Solar Farm Working Group, it is now an official Committee, they are in process to put out RFP to put Solar Panels on site of former landfill. Brian, Bonnie, Jennifer, and Gerry attended a site visit September 19th and met with DCR and DPW. Bonnie no longer wants to continue as a member of the group and we agree that the PCC does not need have someone on the Committee. The PCC has discussed what would be needed for any development of a solar project there moving forward.

Development of a Butterfly Garden at TPS, request for member of PCC to participate in discussions, Bonnie has agreed and been appointed to the Butterfly Garden Committee.

● Website update: need to add prior presentations and the resident letter once it is sent out as well. Made updates to membership information.

● Discussion of letter to residents with wetlands -- Bonnie circulated updated draft which was discussed. Determined to re-draft a bit to send to all residents, not just those that were identified to have wetlands. Discussed other edits to the letter, including noting that the PCC is a volunteer board appointed by the Selectboard, noting the % of wetlands and buffer within the town, and pointing folks to look at MassMapper to see if their property has wetlands and/or buffer zones. Also discussed adding in a little more information on what the PCC does but decided to keep the letter focused on the WPA issues.

● Building Permit subcommittee update – Bonnie and Brian indicated they reviewed a sunroom addition in the buffer zone, but the work doesn’t require any excavation or ground disturbance so only an RDA is required which they will file for October meeting. Bonnie, Brian and Gerry met with some members of NORCO to review the new pistol pavilion that is being proposed. Just need to put roof up over pavilion and determined no filing needed, just on edge of riverfront.

● Forest Cutting plans: none received

● Brian will start review of outstanding OOC that need to be closed out for discussion at next meeting.


Commissioners voted to adjourn at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Holly Palmgren