Conservation Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 29, 2023



DATE: June 29, 2023 TIME: 7:00 PM LOCATION: Town Hall Annex

Note: this public meeting and public hearing were conducted in person at the Annex, with a remote teleconferencing option available for public participation. Public participation details were posted with the agenda.

Members in attendance: Brian Keevan, Jennifer Vuona, Holly Palmgren

Members in attendance remotely: none

Applicants and others in attendance: Gerry Pelligrini, Doug Andrysyck, Scott Mellecker, Chris Stoddard

Applicants and others in attendance remotely: none

Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor unless” noted otherwise.

Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Item 1: Approval of minutes: Minutes from the June 29, 2023 meeting were approved with minor edits at 7:06 PM.

Item 2: 7:06-7:18 PM Consider a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Scott Mellecker of 532B Hubbardston Road for paving of a common driveway within Buffer Zone. Supposed to be 532D. Site visit held Saturday 6/24/2023 Brian Keevan, Bonnie Hirsh and Gerry Pellegrini were in attendance along with applicant Scott Mellecker. Noted on plan where erosion controls should be installed where water is likely to flow. Driveway to be dug up and re-paved, some work is within the buffer zone. Brian Keevan recommends issuing a Negative Determination, Category 3 with condition for erosion controls as discussed. Scott Mellecker said cost of wattles were expensive, asked if he could use silt fence instead. Commission determined acceptable for silt fence or wattles with requirement for inspection once installed prior to work. Vote to issue Negative Determination, Category 3 with special conditions as discussed at 7:18pm

Item 3: 7:19-8:13 PM Consider a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Lee McCormick of 297 Redemption Rock Trail South for construction of a septic system in Buffer Zone. Chris Stoddard present for applicant. Site visit held Tuesday 6/27/2023, present were Brian Keevan, Gerry Pellegrini, Holly Palmgren, Jennifer Vuona, and Chris Stoddard. The proposed system replaces an existing septic that is within the buffer currently. Discussed regulations and prior Conservation Commission review of septic systems, which have always required an NOI. Discussion of positive and negative findings and what might be appropriate. Doug Andrysick indicated that the current RDA process is different than previously so it requires notification similar to an NOI. Looked at regulations and definitions for what requires an NOI, discussion of resource areas versus buffer zones. Septic field will be installed below grade and final surface will be level, no mound. Voted to issue a Negative Determination, Category 3 with special conditions including erosion controls per plan, inspection once installed prior to work, and approval of plan by Board of Health at 8:13pm.

Item 4:8:14-8:15PM Continued Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent (DEP File #267-****) filed by the Town of Princeton Highway Department for general repair and maintenance of town roads, culverts, and drainage infrastructure. No responses to DEP comments have been received and no file number issued. Voted to continue to July 18, 2023 at 8:15pm.

Item 5: 8:16 -8:19M Continued Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent (DEP File #267-0453 ) filed by Carlo and Karen Marazzi of 166 Wheeler Road for additions to a single family home and associated grading within the Buffer Zone. Doug Andrysick present for applicant. File number has been issued. Recapped last meeting discussion, only special condition discussed was in regards to dewatering and requirement that if dewatering is needed that it be outside the buffer zone. Vote to close hearing and issue a standard Order of Conditions with the added dewatering condition at 8:19pm.

Other Business/Procedures:

Discussion on approach to septic system upgrades as well as other work within buffer zones and NOIs vs RDAs

Next meeting: Next meeting is July 18, 2023

NOI spreadsheet update: no update

Building Permit subcommittee:

Future NOI coming for Sterling Rd

Forest cutting plans:

NORCO - Houghton Rd approved, signed cutting plan, using adjacent DCR access to avoid having to cross the East Wachusett Brook

Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:

ArcUser Spring 2023 magazine received


Commissioners voted to adjourn at 8:55 PM

Respectfully submitted, Holly Palmgren