Conservation Commission

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 29, 2022



DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2022                           TIME: 7:00 PM            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex

Note: this public meeting and public hearing were conducted in person at the Annex, with a remote teleconferencing option available for public participation. Public participation details were posted with the agenda.

Members in attendance: Brian Keevan, Jenny Sanders, Bonnie Hirsh, Jennifer Vuona

Members in attendane remotely: none

Applicants and others in attendance: Mark Spencer, Leslie Spencer, Karen Shadbegian, Jesse Volturo, Patrick Brady, Doug Andrysick, Richard Porter

Applicants and others in attendance remotely: Michael Khoury

Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor unless” noted otherwise.

Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

Approval of minutes: Minutes from the November 15, 2022 meeting were approved with minor revisions at 7:09 PM.

Item 1: 7:10 - 8:10 PM Continued Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent (DEP File #267-0448) submitted by Andrysick for Richard and Dani Porter for construction of a single family house, garage, pool, and septic system on Boylston Ave. (Map 12C Parcel 15). A letter from JC Pools was provided with additional information detailing where the pool water discharge will take place annually. Doug explained the area will be grassed and the area will be outside jurisdictional wetlands and outside mapped buffer zones. Mike Khoury spoke on behalf of the abutters and reiterated the concerns of the abutters. The Chair reiterated that these concerns were addressed at our last meeting with the addition of the infiltration basin, pipe trenches, and the drainage swales. The abutters asked about follow up for conditions in perpetuity and suggested that a conservation agent would help with follow up in the future. The Commissioners clarified that we do not employ an agent presently. Mr. Khoury suggested that an annual reporting requirement may provide a potential solution for monitoring. An audience member asked that the perimeter drain plans be reviewed again. The Commission reviewed the plans again and confirmed that they met the Commission’s request. The audience members also suggested that fill materials be tested for PFAS contamination. Public hearing closed at 7:58 PM.

Chair explained briefly the process that occurs after the order of conditions is issued and that an appeal is an option through DEP. Commissioners voted to issue an order of conditions with the following special conditions: maintaining vegetation in drainage area, require velocity diffusion for drainage outfall, require no pool chemicals added at least one week prior to drawdown, notification to the Commission of any drawdown, that the pH of drawdown waters be in the range of 6.5 – 8.5 standard units, and an annual reporting requirement (report shall include: the pH of drawdown, when drawdown occurred, date that application of pool chemicals ceased prior to drawdown). The ongoing order of conditions will also specify that the Commission reserves right to inspect.

Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:

Current open projects: It was brought up that we need to revisit Houghton Road. Brian will be point person on this. Commissioners discussed various other construction sites and reviewed whether they were subject to the Wetlands Protection Act.

Other Business/Procedures: Commissioners discussed procedures for preparing for an appeal with DEP.

Commissioners voted to adjourn at 9:07 PM

Respectfully submitted, Jenny Sanders