Conservation Commission

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2020



DATE: December 23, 2019            TIME: 7:00             LOCATION: Town Hall Annex

Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, John Vieira, and Rachael Catlow, and Barbara Laughlin

Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.

Public Hearings and Meetings:

Item 1: 7:02–7:55PM – 155 Brooks Station Road (Enforcement Order).  DEP File# pending.  A public hearing was opened for a Notice of Intent (NOI) behalf of Paul Mentzer of 21st Century Mortgage.  Arthur Allen presented on behalf of the applicant.  The proposed site activities include phase I of regrading and seeding to stabilize the site, and Phase 2 will include removal of fill that was transported via surface runoff into approximately 780 square feet (sf) of wetland area within the City of Worcester parcel.  Christine Rainville, an abutter and property owner of 151 Brooks Station Road also attended the meeting.   The Commission requested an amended narrative on the Plan as well as plans showing:

  • Proper designation of limits of disturbance, soil berms, and current grade elevations,
  • Designate two separate areas of off-property disturbance (at a residential property abutter and a City of Worcester property), and
  • Show any additional erosion control barriers, if needed.

Arthur Allen requested a continuance of the public until January 21, 2020 and the Commission voted (7:55 PM) to continue the hearing until January.

Item 2: 7:56-8:12 PM – 93 Main Street (Enforcement Order).  A site walk was completed on November 24, 2019 with the land owner, Bill Chase.  The Commission requested additional erosion control barriers be added to the property.  The Commission will request another site walk to inspect the installation of additional erosion controls.  The Commission will also contact the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for additional steps regarding the lack of compliance with the Enforcement Order, pending the results of the site walk and all outstanding items required by the Enforcement Order.

Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:

Rachael will communicate with the Town of Princeton contractor, Pete Cummings, to explore options for the purchase of a new laptop to explore options.

An Environmental Notification Form (ENF) was received for 333 Redemption Rock Trail preceding the proposed sale of the parcel.  This property is not located within Princeton and therefore not within the jurisdiction of the Commission.

The Commission received an initial request for a Certificate of Completion for 23 Hubbardston Road (267-0409). 

Brian and Ron inspected the erosion controls at Jennifer Green’s (Lot 3A) property located at Merriam Road on December 22, 2019.

Forest Cutting Plan(s): None.

The following draft meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended at 9:06PM: November 19, 2019.

The following draft Executive Session meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended at 9:13PM: November 19, 2019.

The next PCC meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2020.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin