Board of Health

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 16, 2021

Board of Health  Minutes Town Hall Meeting Room & Remote Meeting August 16, 2021 5:00 pm

Members Present: Greg Dowdy, Lar Greene, Jim Hillis and Terri Longtine, Sec’y

Interested Parties: None

Opened Meeting:  5:00 pm

Camp Septic Installation Update: Atty Mullen had a short status conference with Camps lawyer on 8/12/21. His Atty stated the following:

The old septic tank was actually a cesspool constructed of brick; as it was being dug, it collapsed. The installer indicated that the area was probably dynamited when the septic system was originally put in. He now needs to use a hydraulic hammer on an excavator to break up the ledge expanding the area for the new septic tank. He has ordered a hammer which will be made available tomorrow. He has informed me that if it is ordinary ledge it will take approximately three days to break up and remove. If it is dense (“hard granite”), it may require drilling and dynamite which would take longer. However, he believes that it is ordinary ledge. The installer states that he has notified the Town Board of Health and the Sanitation Engineer about the situation. I do not have a specific timeline for completion of the project, except that I assume this hammering will delay the start of tank installation until at least mid-week next week. With regard to the barn plumbing and separate cesspool, I am informed that connection of this plumbing to the new septic system was included on the approved plan. The installer has requested that he complete the main septic system and have it approved before undertaking the barn plumbing connection to the new main system. My client has previously authorized and continues to authorize the installer to connect the barn plumbing to the new main system. The board has inspected the leach filed and they are waiting to inspect the tank and line. Atty Mullen has final meeting with Mr Camp and his Atty on September 2, 2021 at 2 pm. 

Septic Design 104 Main Street – Mechanics Hall Red Cardinal – Larry reviewed the plan and stated to the board that the testing is ok. Design complies. They are asking for a local waiver – offset to foundation and well. Board will recommend to add denitrification filter. The foundation will need an impervious liner on the leachfield corner. They would also have to prove that they meet WPA loading rate. If they do, revision needed from the engineer. Larry will contact engineer with comments. 

Monti’s Market – 194 Worcester Rd  Michael Watkins owner of Monti’s market inquired as to the capacity of the existing septic system and whether or not it could accommodate a 75 seat restaurant. The current system as is, will not but there is room to upgrade. Larry to contact Mr. Watkins.

Re: Letter Selectboard sent to the School Committee and the Supt of Schools for WRSD. 

The selectboard, at their meeting of August 10, 2021 voted to send the letters regarding students wearing masks and the need for teachers and staff to be vaccinated. This office received several phone calls from angry residents asking if the board of health was ever consulted and did they support the SB opinions. . It was made clear that the board was never consulted and they do not fully support the selectboards recommendations. The board will compose a letter to the WRSD superintendent to relay the board’s recommendations.

Adjourn:  6:00 pm                                               

Next Meeting: August 30, 2021