Agricultural Commission

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 - 7:00pm

8/4 Agricultural Commission Meeting Agenda

Town Hall Annex / Remote Participation 

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Agricultural Commission
Wed, Aug 4, 2021 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (EDT)

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  1. Vote on acceptance of the July 7, 2021 minutes.
  2. Responsibilities of Clerk to be shared 
  3. Discussion concerning transfer of Agricultural Regulations from BOH to Ag Comm
    1. Specific points of discussion:
      1. Number of chickens per area
      2. Size of coop
      3. Location on property re boundaries
      4. Manure management
      5. Rooster limitation vs ban
      6. Findings from bordering towns’ Ag regs: 
        1. Gardner- Eddie
        2. Holden - Eddie
        3. Hubbardston - Ashley
        4. Paxton - Eddie
        5. Rutland - Dylan
        6. Sterling - Eddie
        7. Westminster - Chad
    2. Add/include llamas and alpacas to existing regs include /update housing needs → species specific
    3. Things about bordering towns’ websites that were noteworthy/to consider adding to our website:
  4. Determine date(s) to meet with BOH to discuss item 3 above 
  5. New Business:
  6. Next meeting Wed 9/1, 7pm, Town Annex
    1. Action Items:
  7. Adjourn