Road Advisory Committee

Roles and Responsibilities

The Road Advisory Committee (RAC) is charged with advising and assisting the Selectboard (SB), Town Administrator (TA), and Highway Superintendent (HS) on matters relating to the road-related infrastructure of the Town. This involves the maintenance and reconstruction of bridges, culverts, and roads. Specifically, the RAC:

Focuses primarily on identifying the medium to long-term needs of the Town’s bridges, culverts, and roads. 

Advocates for and works to secure local, State, and Federal funding for the Town’s bridges, culverts, and roads.

Educates and informs residents, as requested by the HS, TA, or SB, on road-related issues coming before residents at Town meetings and elections.

Works collaboratively with the HS who, in turn, reports to the TA.

Works closely with the HS to identify issues, determine priorities, and schedule work relating to major Town road-related infrastructure.

Works closely with the HS to develop and maintain a multi-year road plan that is shared with the TA, SB, and Advisory Committee for budget and warrant discussion and preparation.


Committee Members


Matthew Granger


June 2023

Anne Neuburg


June 2025

Alfred Pearson


June 2024

Daeg Brenner


June 2024



June 2022