Housing Production Plan Committee

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 20, 2021

Town of Princeton, Mass.     --     Remote Meeting
Housing Production Plan Committee Minutes         
Dec. 20, 2021  1:00 PM


Present:                     Co chairs: Deb Cary, Carla Zottoli
CMRPC: Emily Glaubitz
Town Administrator Sherry Patch
Selectboard Rep. Matthew Moncreaf
Town Clerk Nathan Boudreau

                                    Council on Aging Rep. Fran Thomas

Planning Board Rep. Ann Neuburg

                                    Member Joseph O’Brien


1:09  PM                     Call to Order (GoToMeeting)


Administrative           Unanimous vote to approve minutes of 12/13/2021 as presented.


Survey:                       Question-by-question review/edit of draft housing survey.


General discussion about how to distribute/promote the survey.




The Town expects to mail the annual census the third week of January. The town allows committees to include surveys in the census mailing. The entire census mailing cannot exceed 4-5 pages. Multiple committees use surveys. So far, only the PHPPC has asked to include a survey in 2022 and can insert the existing 4-page (2 sheets) survey.


If PHPPC is not the only entity asking to distribute a survey in the census, an alternate way to distribute may be needed:


  • Enclose a card pointing to an online survey. 
  • Finance (using CMRPC funds) an independent mailing.


TO DO: Deb Cary will investigate the cost to do an independent mailing.




Emily will create a poster advertising the survey to be printed for CoA, the library, Monte’s Market, etc., posted online on NextDoor and Facebook, and as a banner ad in Google.


Other promotion opportunities: Town web page, Redemption Rock News, CoA newsletter.


Next Meeting: Monday, January 10, 2022, 1:00 GoToMeeting


Adjourn                      Unanimous vote to adjourn: 2:04


Respectfully Submitted    Ann Neuburg