Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness

EAP: Natural Resources: Climate Change Preparedness

What is Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP)?

 Administered by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), MVP is a grant-based program providing support for municipalities “to begin the process of planning for climate change resiliency and implementing priority projects.”  Through this program, Princeton received an initial grant of $20,000 to help the Town meet the challenges of climate change and develop a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan. This plan, scheduled to be released in April 2021, identifies and prioritizes the most likely areas and/or groups of people that are vulnerable to increased levels of wind, rain, drought, and ice storms in the coming decades. Commonwealth approval of the plan will make Princeton eligible for MVP Action Grants. The potential Action Grants will help Princeton increase its resiliency to these climate-related challenges by supportive funding of improved infrastructure and community preparedness.

Community Resilience Building Workshop

The MVP Plan was developed through community participation in a Community Resilience Building Workshop (CRBW), held in three virtual sessions in the Fall of 2020. This workshop consisted of about 30 knowledgeable residents and town employees who addressed four major areas:

  • Likely climate-related extreme weather and other hazards
  • Current and future vulnerabilities and strengths
  • Prioritized actions
  • Recommendations for the Town to advance actions and reduce risks to build resilience

Final Recommendations 

The workshop yielded many recommendations. Those considered highest priority are:

  • Undertake feasibility studies for a redundant electric power supply for Princeton
  • Develop ways to improve stormwater management and drainage
  • Develop Educational campaigns to increase resident preparedness, including the elderly and shut-in.
  • Develop and implement improved forest access plans for rescue and fire fighting
  • Assess the safety of Princeton’s water supply
  • Improve the Town’s Environmental Policies

A Community Effort

The public was invited to review and contribute to the draft report during a public listening session held within the March 9, 2021, Selectboard meeting. The draft report was also available online for residents to review. Interesting and important insights were added. The final report is scheduled for release in April 2021 and will be submitted to the Commonwealth for approval.

The process was led by a contractor, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission. Their work was overseen by an 8-person MVP Core Team consisting of Select Board Member Karen Cruise, Fire Chief John Bennett, Police Chief Michelle Powers, Highway Superintendent Ben Metcalf, Town Administrator Sherry Patch, Conservation Commission Member Brian Keevan, Larry Greene from the Board of Health, Aimee Kindorf of the Senior Center and EAC Member Phil Gott

Why is this needed?

It is expected that total precipitation in Princeton will increase by about 10% in 2050 compared to the early 2000s, and the average temperature will increase by about 6 degrees F, with Princeton experiencing 5 to 8 days over 95F compared to less than one day over that temperature today. Warmer temperatures will bring less snow, but more ice storms, and increasing periods of drought. Impacts can be expected to range from increased number and frequency of culvert washouts to a greater probability of forest fires, among other effects. 

For more information, please see and

This page was last updated on March 30, 2021