Conservation Commission

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2019



DATE: October 22, 2019                TIME: 7:00             LOCATION: Town Hall Annex

Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Barbara Laughlin, Ron Thompson, John Vieira, and Rachael Catlow

Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.

Public Hearings and Meetings:

Item 1: 7:04PM – DEP File #267-0426.  A public hearing was continued for a Notice of Intent (file number pending) for a public water supply well installation at Town Line Garage owned by Dick Stewart.  Doug Andrysick presented updated plans (dated 10/22/19) on behalf of the property owner.  The new well requires a protective Zone I radius of 100-feet.  The well site falls within the following buffer zones: 200-foot riverfront buffer zone, the 100-foot wetlands buffer zone, NHESP Priority & Estimated Habitat of Rare Species.  Division of Fisheries and Wildlife correspondence dated October 09, 2019 indicated that this project will not adversely affect the Resource Area Habitat of state-protected rare wildlife species, and it will not result in a prohibited take of state-listed rare species.  The MA Department of Environmental Protection issued an approval dated May 9, 2019.  The Commission requested that a physical barrier be installed to prevent accidental damage to the wellhead.  The Commission voted to issue an Order of Conditions at 7:23PM. 

Item 2: 7:25PM – DEP File #267-0414.  A public hearing was continued for the construction of a single-family house and septic system at property owned by Jennifer Greene located at Map 13A, Lot 8/11.0 on Merriam Road.  Brian Recused himself as an abutter since he’s a Trustee with the Princeton Land Trust.  John was appointed as acting Chairman for this individual hearing.  Doug Andrysick presented on behalf of the property owner with a Plan dated 9/26/19, and Supplemental Plan of Land dated 10/22/19.  The Princeton Board of Health has approved the proposed septic design.  Prior to the installation of fencing, the Commission will review and approve the proposed fencing plans.  The Commission voted to issue an Order of Conditions at 7:42PM.

Item 3: 7:46PM – DEP File #267-0422.  Rick Gardner presented a request to the Commission regarding redesigning the bridge to limit the replication of area of wetlands from the DCR proposed total 140 square feet (sq ft) instead of the originally approved replication of 32 sq ft.

Executive Session: The Commission voted by roll call to enter into Executive Session (Reason #6) entered at 7:55PM to discuss strategy into the leasing the Four Corners land with Steve Stimson and his nephew Dylan Stimson.  Executive session was adjourned by roll call at 9:42PM.

John provided an update on his site walk on October 17, 2019 at 151 Brooks Station Road, which abuts 155 Brooks Station Road where a septic repair has occurred.  Both Brian and John performed a site walk at the abutting City of Worcester property on October 19, 2019.  Wetlands were observed on both abutting properties at 151 Brooks Station Road and the City of Worcester parcel.  At 10:32PM, the Commission voted to issue an Enforcement Order for construction activity associated with septic repair within 100 feet of a wetland. 

Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:

Barbara notified the Commission that the erosion controls at 53 Bullard Road have been installed properly and inspected prior to the start of septic repair activities.   

Forest Cutting Plan(s): None.

The October 15, 2019 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended at 10:38 PM.

Brian reviewed mail received by the Commission.

The next PCC meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2019.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:43PM.

Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin